This week seemed harder than most emotionally. I don't know why.
I tried relaxing, I organised, used my crystals, ate some chocolate, painted, spent some time photographing new flowers in the garden, but I still felt wretched, like something was pushing me down.
Whilst I was waiting for paint to dry (yes sometimes I literally sit and wait for paint to dry 😂) I went round my studio trying to shake my mindset up a bit. I looked at all the things I'd collected from travelling, all the books of inspiration I've acquired over the years and all the little notes I put up in places so I can catch them out of the corner of my eye.
Then behind me was 'Do epic shit'. So I grabbed my phone and took a selfie, then sat and looked at myself and the words. And you know what, I have done some pretty epic shit.
That was all the reminder I needed and the focus to snap out of my low mood.
No matter how big or small it is, if it feels epic to you, then it is epic. Don't let anyone put a scale on your life. It's yours. Measure it how you want to.
There's so much more to come, I hope you stick around to enjoy the journey with me.