I've taken advantage of the weather and been snapping around the garden. I love the macro close ups, you get to see all the inner workings of the flowers.
When was the last time you really looked at a flower, a leaf or a blade of grass? There are wonders to be found in these glorious species. The blends of colours, the patterns, the lines. All these intricate details make up the petals we love so much.
The pink edges on the gladioli, adorning the white petals, alluring and spectacular. The yellow that trails from the centre of the begonias seamlessly out into the white petals. The icy steel blue mixed with pale sage on the ornamental grasses. The veins beneath the rich green leaves.
There is so much to discover.
I will never be bored if I have beauties like these to study.
They will soon be gone until next year so I plan on stocking up on photos of their magic to get me through the winter months.
#loispedleyart #latesummerdays #latesummergarden #latesummerflowers #latesummer #naturesmagic #natureappreciation #macronature #macrophotos #macroplants #macroflower #gladioli #begonias #ornamentalgrass #peacelily #mygardenlife #mygardenflowers #artofnaturephotography #floweraddict #plantaddictionisreal